Selected publications

  1. Mavrov, D. Software for InterCriteria Analysis: Implementation of the main algorithm, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 21, 2015, No. 2, 77-86.
  2. Mavrov, D., I. Radeva, K. Atanassov, L. Doukovska, I. Kalaykov, InterCriteria Software Design: Graphic Interpretation within the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Triangle, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 2015, 279-283.
  3. Mavrov, D., Software for intercriteria analysis: Working with the results. Annual of “Informatics” Section, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Vol. 8, 2015-2016, 37-44. ISSN: 1313-6852.
  4. Ikonomov, N., Vassilev, P., Roeva, O. (2018) ICrAData – Software for InterCriteria Analysis, Int J Bioautomation, 22(1), 1–10.
  5. Икономов Н., П. Василев, Е. Маринов, (2019-2020) Кратка бележка върху VisICrA: прототип на програма за визуализация на резултатите от интеркритериален анализ, Годишник на секция “Информатика”, Съюз на учените в България, Том 10, 61-65.
  6. Мавров Д., (2019-2020) Приложение за извършване на операции с двумерни индексирани матрици, Годишник на секция “Информатика” Съюз на учените в България, Том 10, 66-80.
  7. Marinov, E. (2022). Software implementation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and some operators.  Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 28, No. 1, 51-58; DOI: 10.7546/nifs.51-58.
  8. Mavrov, D., & Bureva, V. (2022-2023). Software for Intercriteria Analysis: Implementation of the algorithm of Intercriteria Analysis with weight coefficients of the objects or the criteriaAnnual of “Informatics”, Section Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Volume 12, pp. 95–104.
  9. Genov, M., & Bureva, V (2024). Software for Intercriteria Analysis results visualization in the intuitionistic fuzzy triangle: Opportunities for data interpretationNotes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 30(2), 165-179, DOI: 10.7546/nifs.2024.30.2.165-179.