Информация | Екип | Анотация | Публикации | English

 2019 | 2020 | 2021


  1. Andreev, N., P. Vassilev, S. Ribagin, S. Sotirov, (2019) InterCriteria Analysis of data for blood collection in the Transfusion Hematology Department, University Hospital “St. Anna”, Sofia, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 25, No. 2, 88-95.
  2. Antonov A., (2019) Analysis and Detection of the Degrees and Direction of Correlations between Key Indicators of Physical Fitness of 10-12-year-old Hockey Players, Int J Bioautomation, 23(3), 303-314, DOI: 10.7546/ijba.2019.23.3.000709.
  3. Atanassov, K. (2019) Four interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy modal-level operators. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 25, No. 3, 12-26.
  4. Atanassov, K., P. Marinov, V. Atanassova (2019) InterCriteria Analysis with Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Evaluations. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 11529, Springer Nature, Cham, 329-338. (SJR 0.28).
  5. Atanassova V., L. Doukovska (2019) A Deeper Look in the InterCriteria Positive Consonance between the Business Sophistication and Innovation Pillars of Competitiveness in the European Union in 2015-2018, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation  Developments and Applications – SYMCOMP’19, 11-12 April 2019, Porto, Portugal, 199-213, ISBN 978-989-99410-5-2.
  6. Atanassova V., L. Doukovska, (2019) Business Dynamism and Innovation Capability in the European Union Member States in 2018 through the Prism of InterCriteria Analysis, Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering System – FQAS’19, July 2-5, 2019, Amantea, Italy, In: Cuzzocrea A., Greco S., Larsen H., Sacca D., Andreasen T., Christiansen H. (Eds.) Springer, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, Vol. 11529, 339-349, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27629-4_31, (SJR = 0.283).
  7. Bureva, V., K. Atanassov, N. Andreev, (2019) Intercriteria analysis applied to healthcare ranking. Annual of Asen Zlatarov University, Burgas, Vol. XLVIII(1), 81-85.
  8. Cuvalcioglu, G., V. Bureva, A. Michalikova, (2019) Intercriteria analysis applied to university ranking system of Turkey, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 25, No. 4, 90-97.
  9. Doukovska L., V. Atanassova (2019) InterCriteria Analysis of the Most Problematic Factors for Doing Business in the European Union 2017-2018, Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering System – FQAS’19, July 2-5, 2019, Amantea, Italy, In: Cuzzocrea A., Greco S., Larsen H., Sacca D., Andreasen T., Christiansen H. (Eds.) Springer, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, Vol. 11529, 353-363, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27629-4_32, (SJR = 0.283).
  10. Doukovska L., V. Atanassova, E. Sotirova, (2019) European Union Member States’ Performance in the 2018 Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 through the Prism of InterCriteria Analysis, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications – SYMCOMP’19, 11-12 April 2019, Porto, Portugal, 251-261, ISBN 978-989-99410-5-2.
  11. Ribagin, S., A. Grozeva, G. Popova, Z. Stoyanova, (2019) InterCriteria Analysis of body composition measurements data, associated with obesity among college students, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 25, No. 4, 78-82.
  12. Ribagin, S., S. Stavrev, (2019) InterCriteria Analysis of data from intellectual and physical evaluation tests of students practicing sports activities, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 25, No. 4, 83-89.
  13. Vassilev, P., L. Todorova, (2019) Miltiplicatively equivalent intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 25, No. 2, 25-28.


  1. Angelova, N., E. Szmidt, J. Kacprzyk, K. Atanassov (2020) Intuitionistic fuzzy implications revisited. Part 2. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 26, No. 1, 28-35; DOI: 10.7546/nifs.2020.26.1.28-35.
  2. Antonov A., (2020) Dependencies between model indicators of the basic and the specialized speed in hockey players aged 13-14, Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 18, Suppl. 1, 647-657.
  3. Antonov A., D. Zoteva, O. Roeva, (2020) Influence of the “Push & Flick” methodology on the accuracy of the Indoor hockey penalty corner shooting, Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, Vol. 1, 64-76, DOI: 10.37393/JASS.2020.01.5.
  4. Atanassov, K. (2019-2020) Level operators over index matrices. Part 2: Index matrices with elements from a fixed interval. Annual of “Informatics” Section, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Vol. 10, 1-13.
  5. Atanassov, K., (2020) Level operators over index matrices. Part 1: Index matrices with real non-negative elements. Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 23, No. 4, 459-464, DOI: 10.17777/pjms2020.23.4.459.
  6. Atanassov, K., P. Vassilev (2020) A new intuitionistic fuzzy definiteness norm. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 26, No. 3, 52-60; DOI: 10.7546/nifs.2020.26.3.52-60.
  7. Danailova S., Doukovska, L., Atanassova, V. (2020) InterCriteria Analysis of the Financial System in the EU Countries. Proc. of the 10-th International Conference on Intelligent Systems – IS’20, Varna, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/IS48319.2020.9199943, 183-186.
  8. Fidanova, S., Roeva, O., (2020) Multi-objective ACO Algorithm for WSN Layout: InterCriteria Analisys, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11958, LNCS, 501-509.
  9. Roeva O., Fidanova S. (2020) Different InterCriteria Analysis of Variants of ACO algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Positioning. In: Fidanova S. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 838, 83-103, Springer, Cham, (First Online: 22 June 2019) SJR = 0.246.
  10. Андреев Н., Атанасов К., Бурева В., (2019-2020) Интеркритериален анализ върху данни за кръвонабиране, Годишник на секция “Информатика”, Съюз на учените в България, Том 10, 30-53.
  11. Бозов, Хр., Е. Сотирова, С. Сотиров, Д. Мавров, (2020) Тенденции сред заболеваемостта по време на епидемията Ковид-19 в България и Бургаска област, Авиационна, морска и космическа медицина, бр. 2, 5-10.
  12. Бурева, В., Е. Сотирова, К. Атанасов, В. Андонов. (2019-2020) Приложение на интеркритериален анализ върху рейтингите на висшите училища в България за 2019-2020 година. Годишник на секция “Информатика” Съюз на учените в България, Том 10, 14-29.
  13. Икономов Н., П. Василев, Е. Маринов, (2019-2020) Кратка бележка върху VisICrA: прототип на програма за визуализация на резултатите от интеркритериален анализ, Годишник на секция “Информатика”, Съюз на учените в България, Том 10, 61-65.
  14. Мавров Д., (2019-2020) Приложение за извършване на операции с двумерни индексирани матрици, Годишник на секция “Информатика” Съюз на учените в България Том 10, 66-80.
  15. Стоянов, Т. (2019-2020) Компютърно базирана ЕКГ система, Годишник на секция “Информатика”, Съюз на учените в България, Том 10, 54-60.


  1. Andreev N., Atanassova V. (2021) InterCriteria Analysis of the Blood Group Distribution of Patients of Saint Anna Hospital in 2015–2019. In: Atanassov K.T. et al. (eds) Advances and New Developments in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. IWIFSGN 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1308, pp. 158-165. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77716-6_14.
  2. Antonov А., D. Zoteva, O. Roeva, (2019) Influence of the Indoor Hockey “Push & Flick” methodology on the ball speed during the penalty corner shooting, In: Atanassov K.T. et al. (eds) Advances and New Developments in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. IWIFSGN 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1308, pp. 216-219. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77716-6_20.
  3. Atanassov, K., P. Vassilev, O. Roeva (2021) Level Operators over Intuitionistic Fuzzy Index Matrices, Mathematics, 9, 366, DOI: 10.3390/math9040366.
  4. Matveev M., O. Roeva, M. Petrov, S. Tsonev (2021), Differences in Ischemia Mechanism in Coronary Artery Disease and Cardiac Syndrome X, Int Conf BioInfoMed 2020, Springer, [приета за печат, абстракт].
  5. Ribagin, S., S. Stavrev (2021) InterCriteria Analysis of Data Obtained from University Students Practicing Sports Activities,  In: Atanassov K.T. et al. (eds) Advances and New Developments in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. IWIFSGN 2019 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1308, pp. 230-237. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-77716-6_21.
  6. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Ganzha M. (2021) InterCriteria Analysis of the Evaporation Parameter Influence on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm: A Workforce Planning Problem. In: Fidanova S. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. WCO 2019. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 920, 89-109. Springer, Cham, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58884-7_5.
  7. Roeva O., Zoteva D. (2021) ICrA Over Ordered Pairs Applied to ABC Optimization Results. In: Fidanova S. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. WCO 2019. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol 920, 135-148 Springer, Cham.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58884-7_7.